Thank You for Giving More Than $150,000 to Help Patients in Need
Thank You: Betsy Cullum and Sissy Cullum, Chairmen
Press: PaperCity (pg. 9) | RSVP Calendar | Bob Miller | MySweetCharity | Social Whirl | Momentum
Videos and Photos
Sara T. Martineau is Honored
Ruth and Ken Altshuler Callier Care Award
Terry Price Shares His Battle with Tinnitus
Director of Music, Preston Hollow Presbyterian Church
Friends Who Care About Callier (Photos on Flickr)

Callier Cares Video
Thank You to Our Generous Donors
Love – $25,000
- Ruth and Ken Altshuler
Compassion – $10,000
- Caroline Rose Hunt
Robert M. Brackbill
In honor of Sara Martineau - The David B. Miller Family Foundation
Kindness – $5,000
- Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Best
- Ms. Rachel A. Gonzalez and Jeffrey S. Martin, Ph.D.
- Lois Wolf
In memory of Howard Wolf
Hope – $3,000
- Betsy and Bennett Cullum
- Louise S. Griffeth
- Carol and Jeff Heller
- Sara and David Martineau
- Anne McPherson
In honor of John and Todd McPherson
Hope – $3,000
- Margot and Ross Perot
- Drs. Carol and Daniel Podolsky
In honor of Sara Martineau - Mr. and Mrs. John Stuart, III
Friendship – $1,500
- Anonymous
- Mary Brinegar
In honor of Sara Martineau - Nancy Carter
In honor of Beth Layton - Jean and George Coleman
- Anne and Kyle Crews
In honor of Sara Martineau - Kathy and Harlan Crow
In honor of Sissy Cullum - Linda and Bill Custard
In honor of Sara Martineau - Kerry Wildenthal Fagelman
- Fischer & Company
- Jenifer and Peter Flynn
In honor of Betsy and Bennett Cullum
Friendship – $1,500
- J.M. Haggar, Jr. Family Foundation
- Joyce and Larry Lacerte
In honor of Betsy Cullum, Sissy Cullum and Mrs. Best - Mr. and Mrs. P. Mike McCullough
In honor of Sara Martineau - Dean Moore
In honor of Sara Martineau - Sandy Nachman
- Michal and Loyd Powell
In honor of Sara Martineau - Preston Hollow Presbyterian Church Sanctuary Choir
In honor of Alyce and Terry Price - Caren Prothro
In honor of Sara Martineau - Jane and Bud Smith
- The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Foundation
Favor Underwriter – $1,500
- Mr. and Mrs. Allen E. Cullum
- Lindalyn Adams
In honor of Sara Martineau - Anonymous (2)
- Anonymous
In honor of Shanon Patrick and Joel Williams - Sally Berry
In honor of Sara Martineau - Gina Betts
- Mrs. Duncan E. Boeckman
In honor of Sara Martineau - Mrs. James Boggess, Jr.
- Susie Brown
In honor of Sara Martineau - Mrs. David D. Bruton, Jr.
- Diane and Stuart Bumpas
- Harriet Burrow
- Pam Busbee
- Mr. Robert D. Campbell
- Connie Carreker
- Bitsy Carter
- Miss Christie Carter
In honor of Sara Martineau - Cindy and Jay Carter
- Suzanne Caruso
In honor of Sara Martineau - Sandra Cecil
- Jeanne Marie Clossey
In honor of Sara Martineau - Annette Corman
In honor of Lois Wolf - Mrs. Helen Crichton
In honor of Betsy Cullum and Sissy Cullum - Margaret Anne Cullum
In honor of Betsy Cullum and Sissy Cullum - Sally G. Cullum
In honor of Pam Busbee - Dr. and Mrs. David E. Daniel
In honor of Sara Martineau - Lynn Townsend Dealey
- Lissie Donosky
In honor of Sara Martineau - Patsy Donosky
In honor of Sara Martineau - Margaret Dowd
- Janet and Troy Dungan
- Christine Eason
- Bessy and Ted Enloe
In honor of Sara Martineau - Paddy and Barry Epstein
- Janet Evans
- Susan Fleming
- Ola FojtasekNancy Foran
- Debbie Francis
- Tricia and Kenn George
- Judy Gibbs
- Diane Gillespie
- Rhoni Golden
- Sharron Gonzalez
- Margo Goodwin
- Pagett Gosslee
- Priscilla and Warren Gravely
In honor of Randell Robert Holmes
- Randi Halsell
In honor of Sara Martineau - Kay Hammond
- Rue Henry
- Caroline L. Hunt
- Leeanne Hunt
In honor of Betsy Cullum and Sissy Cullum and Sara Martineau - Libby and David Hunt
In honor of Sara Martineau - Margaret and Douglas Hunt
- Kimberly Priest Johnson
- Gene Jones
In honor of Sara Martineau - Sue Justice
- Louise Kemp
- Leslie Kennedy
In honor of Shanon Patrick and Dr. Mandy McGuire - Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. King
In honor of Sara Martineau - Leslie Krakow
- Mr. Michael Lanahan
- Lisa and George Longino
In honor of Sara Martineau - Rebecca Lutz
- Lynn Markle
In honor of Sara Martineau - Sally and Waddell Mashburn
- Pat Mattingly
- Lynn McBee
In honor of Sara Martineau - Effie McCullough
In honor of Betsy Cullum and Sissy Cullum - Linda and John McFarland
In honor of Sara Martineau - Joan McFarlane
In honor of Terry Price - Janie McGarr
In honor of Sara Martineau, Betsy Cullum and Sissy Cullum - Helen K. and Robert G. McGraw
- Shirley McIntyre
In honor of Sara Martineau - Carmen McCracken McMillan
In honor of Sara Martineau - Barry and Melissa McNeil
- Anne McPherson
In honor of John and Todd McPherson - Cynthia Melnick
- Tincy Miller
In honor of Sara Martineau - Cynthia R. Mitchell
In honor of Sara Martineau - Barbara Moroney
- Sara C. Moseley
In honor of Terry Price and Pat Mattingly - Jennifer T. Mosle
In honor of Betsy Cullum and Sissy Cullum - Sameera H. Murad
In honor of Terry Price
- Mrs. Olin D. Myers
In honor of Sara Martineau - Richard Neely
- Elsa Norwood
- Debbie Oates
In honor of Sara Martineau, Betsy Cullum and Sissy Cullum - Connie O’Neill
- Pam Perella
- Mary Dean and Ken Perry
- Jane and Chick Pierce
In Honor of Sara Martineau - Molly Pieroni
- Patricia Prestidge
In honor of Sara Martineau - Vinnie Reuben
- Suzy and Tom Rhodes
In honor of Sara Martineau - Sharon Richards
- Neall G. Rose
- Jill and Tracy Rowlett
- Patricia Glorig Schiff
In honor of Sara Martineau - George R. Schrader
- Debbie Scripps
In honor of Betsy Cullum and Sissy Cullum - Carol Seay
In honor or Sara Martineau - Linda Secrest
- Don Shannon
- Nancy and Jim Shelton
In honor of Betsy Cullum and Sissy Cullum - Karen Shuford
In honor of Sara Martineau - Bettye D. Slaven
In honor of Sara Martineau - Bonnie Smith
- Jackie Miller Stewart
In honor of Sara Martineau and Dr. Ludwig A. Michael - Helen Storey
- Meg Temple
- Carolyn Thompson
- Vera A. Thornton
In honor of Sara Martineau - Ashley Todd
- Kathy and Neill Touchstone
In honor of Claude Prestidge and Pat Prestidge - Roxann Vyazmensky
- Day and George Watson
In honor of Betsy Cullum - Marilyn H. Weber
In honor of Betsy Cullum and Sissy Cullum - Donell Wiggins
- Joel and Susan Williams, III
In honor of Bert Moore - Emilynn Berry Wilson
In honor of Sara Martineau - Melinda Winn
- Andrea Wolf Joyce and Linus Wright
Thank You to Our Wonderful Host Committee
- Lindalyn Adams
- Trudy and Chuck Best
- Gina Betts
- Robert Brackbill
- Mary Brinegar
- Diane and Stuart Bumpas
- Harriet Burrow
- Pam Busbee
- Cindy and Jay Carter
- Nancy Carter
- Sandra and Bob Cecil
- Jean and George Coleman
- Helen Crichton
- Margaret Cullum
- Sally Cullum
- Linda and Bill Custard
- Lynn Townsend Dealey
- Janet and Troy Dungan
- Ann W. Dyer
- Janet Evans
- Jenifer and Peter Flynn
- Dena Frankfurt
- Tricia and Kenn George
- Sharron Gonzalez
- Louise Griffeth
- Randi and Ed Halsell
- Kay Hammond
- Elizabeth and Jeffrey Helfrich
- Carol and Jeff Heller
- Rue and Tuck Henry
- Caroline Rose Hunt
- Leeanne Hunt
- Libby Hunt
- Margaret Hunt
- Nancy and Herbert Hunt
- Angie Kadesky
- Merrie Ann and Frank King
- Beth and Mark Layton
- Lisa and George Longino
- Sarah Losinger
- Ali and David Martineau
- Lynn and Allan McBee
- Sharon and Mike McCullough
- Linda B. McFarland
- Janie McGarr
- Carmen McMillan
- Anne and John McPherson
- Cynthia Melnick
- Carolyn and David Miller
- Dian Moore
- Carolyn Myers
- Kathleen and Richard Neely
- Elsa Norwood
- Lydia and Dan Novakov
- Jane and Chick Pierce
- Maria and Kip Plankinton
- Michal Powell
- Pat Prestidge
- Jill and Tracy Rowlett
- Debbie Scripps
- Carol Seay
- Linda and Les Secrest
- Jane and Bud Smith
- Barbara and John Stuart
- Ellen Terry
- Chris Turner
- Julie and Jim Turner
- Evy Kay and Dick Washburne
- Tucean Webb
- Kristina Whitcomb
- Emilynn Berry Wilson