Appointment Questions
How do I make an appointment?
To make an appointment at Callier Center Dallas, please call (972) 883-3000.
To make an appointment at Callier Center Richardson, please call (972) 883-3660.
Where are you located?
Callier Center Dallas
1966 Inwood Rd
Dallas, TX 75235
Callier Center Richardson
2895 Facilities Way
Richardson, TX 75080
Visit the contact us page for more information.
Can a speech-language pathologist come to my house?
All services are clinic-based, except for occasional consultative services in the home that are associated with some of our group programs.
What are your hours of operation?
Hours of operation are generally from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday-Friday. Occasionally, appointments can be made earlier or later based on therapists’ schedules and availability.
I work. Can I arrange for someone else to bring my child?
For evaluations, a parent/caregiver is required to be present. For therapy, depending on your child and the program you are enrolled in, you may not be required to be present all of the time. However, communication with the professionals helping your child is an important aspect of the therapy. Parent education components provide the bridge to generalization of skills. There are no transportation services at the Callier Center so you will need to make arrangements on your own.
I live very close to Callier Richardson, but the program listed that seems most appropriate is at Callier Dallas. Do you have similar programs in both locations?
Each program is unique and they are not necessarily duplicated in each center. However, if you speak with one of the speech-language pathologists, they may be able to help you access the services you need.
Financial Questions
How much does an evaluation cost? Individual therapy? Group therapy?
Costs for services vary based on the type of service and the time involved. Please call the front desk at Callier Center Dallas at (972) 883-3000 or Callier Center Richardson (972) 883-3660 to inquire about specific services.
Will insurance cover the cost?
There is variability among insurance companies and policies depending on the service you are pursuing. We encourage you to check with your insurer first. Other questions regarding fees and reimbursement procedures can be directed to our business office who can assist you.
Do you offer any financial assistance?
Scholarship funding may be available, which can be discussed with your speech-language pathologist and is decided on a case-by-case basis.
Service Questions
I/my child is having a problem with speech and language or feeding. What should I do first?
Make an appointment for an evaluation with one of our speech-language pathologists. To make an appointment at Callier Center Dallas, please call (972) 883-3000; to make an appointment at Callier Center Richardson, please call (972) 883-3660.
Should I have a speech and language evaluation if I’ve already had one completed?
It depends—this is decided on a case-by-case basis and can be discussed with a speech-language pathologist to discern if another evaluation is needed prior to scheduling.
How do I know if my toddler is just a late bloomer or if they truly have a speech and language delay or disorder?
If you are concerned, it is often beneficial to pursue a speech/language evaluation for us to be able to answer this question. In addition, it is suggested that you check developmental milestone information regarding your child’s speech and language skills
What happens during a speech/language/feeding evaluation? How long does it take?
An evaluation generally lasts between one and a half to two hours in length. A therapist will discuss case history information with you, gather formal and informal assessment information, and discuss results and recommendations with you. After two to three weeks, you will receive a written report of the results.
Should I have an audiological evaluation completed?
If you or your child has not had a hearing test, one is highly recommended to assess for possible audiological causes of communication disorders.
How do I get into an individual or group therapy program?
For individual therapy, please call our front desk to make an evaluation appointment. For group therapy, please contact the supervising speech-language pathologist of the particular group you are interested in, and he/she will review intake procedures with you.
Do you have a waiting list?
This can vary depending on the service you are requesting, the clinician you are requesting, and your availability for scheduling. For example, there is typically a waiting list for after school individual therapy appointments.
What do you do in therapy? How long is each appointment? How often?
This varies widely depending on age, diagnosis and profile of each patient. For all therapy services, a therapeutic plan is developed to focus on specific areas of need, and activities will be practical and appropriate. Length and frequency of session will be decided according to each patient’s specific needs.
Who provides the services?
Services are provided by licensed and certified speech-language pathologists, with support from graduate student clinicians in speech-language pathology.
How long will I/my child be in therapy?
For individual therapy, this varies on a case-by-case basis. Your therapist will discuss your/your child’s progress with you on a regular basis.
Each group program serves a particular population that is defined based on age, ability level, participation and progress. Decisions about transition are made collaboratively between patient/guardians and speech-language pathologists. In some cases, you/your child may begin in one program and over time, may become appropriate for another program. Decisions are made based on you/your child’s individual needs. Some programs have specific age restrictions.
If I/my child participates in one of your therapeutic programs, should I continue with their other therapies?
This varies dependent on your/your child’s needs and the nature of the therapy. Speech-language pathologists in each of these programs will discuss therapy opportunities with you and help you make decisions that are in your/your child’s best interest. If you choose to continue other types of therapy, the Callier Center clinicians will assist you in making sure there is continuity among programs.
Can my child attend one of the morning programs and go to the Callier Child Development Preschool for childcare in the afternoon? Do you provide any other child care services?
Though housed in the same facility, the programs are unrelated. It is possible, though, to be enrolled in two programs concurrently. For more information, check the Child Development Program page on this Web site.