Thank You for Celebrating the 13th Anniversary Callier Cares Luncheon
Together, We Raised More Than $370,000 to Help Patients in Need
Patrons Support Callier’s Mission in a Stellar Way
With an early commitment of $50,000 from Presenting Sponsors Rosemarie and Maynard Ewton, the 2024 Callier Cares Luncheon raised more than $370,000, providing resources to the Callier Care Fund benefiting children and adults who otherwise could not afford clinical care to overcome speech, language and hearing disorders. Luncheon proceeds are part of the Callier Care Fund, which was established by Ruth and Ken Altshuler to ensure children and adults can access clinical care regardless of their income or insurance coverage. All gifts to the Callier Center contribute to the Callier Family Care Campaign’s $15 million goal. Dr. Angela Shoup, BS’89, MS’92, PhD’94, Ludwig A. Michael, MD Executive Director of the Callier Center, shared, “On behalf of the Callier Center, I would like to express my sincere gratitude for 13 years of generous donations from Callier Cares Luncheon patrons. Each contribution undergirds Callier’s mission and vision, transforming the lives of countless children and adults with communication disorders. To date, the Callier Cares Luncheon has raised over $2.95 million. Our successes reflect Callier’s dedicated foundation trustees, luncheon leadership and supporters.”

From left: Dr. Angela Shoup, Rosemarie Ewton, Dr. Maynard Ewton
A Cosmic Thank You To:
The Callier Center’s 2024 luncheon leadership’s commitment was truly inspiring. Honorary Chairmen Sara and David Martineau and luncheon Chairman Laura Downing’s influences brought in a full house for lunch, fellowship and fundraising. Sara and David Martineau have a strong connection to the University of Texas at Dallas (UT Dallas) and the Callier Center. They have been impassioned supporters for more than 30 years. Laura Downing’s mission-focused leadership influenced others to engage with Callier. She ensured that all of Callier’s guests saw, heard and felt the inspirational work done at the Callier Center. Laura said, “What an honor it was to chair the Callier Cares Luncheon, alongside our incredible honorary chairmen, Sara and David Martineau. The Callier Center does such impactful and life-changing work for people of all ages, and it was a privilege to share their story with our community. The gift of connection and communication cannot be overstated.”
The luncheon hosted 300 guests, all eager to hear about Callier’s leading-edge treatment and therapy. The guest list included grateful patients and their families and friends, Dallas philanthropists, Crystal Charity Ball members, patrons from the medical community, and speakers from the Campbell Callier Prize Conference. At the conclusion of the luncheon, guests were invited out to the terrace lawn, where they donned protective glasses to experience the 2024 Total Solar Eclipse. Cheers were heard when the moon completely obscured the sun, darkening the sky and allowing everyone to remove their eclipse glasses for a magnificent view of the rare celestial spectacle – which lasted between three to four minutes and will not be visible again in Texas for another three or four hundred years! Laura Downing later said, “Having an eclipse watch party on the lawn at Dallas Country Club with luncheon supporters was the perfect ending.”
Honorary Chairmen: Sara and David Martineau
Luncheon Chairman: Laura Downing

From left: Sara and David Martineau, Dr. Angela Shoup and Laura Downing
Callier Care Award
The Ruth and Ken Altshuler Callier Care Award is presented annually to an individual or group who has contributed significantly to the betterment of the community and to advancing the care of patients with communication disorders.
Sarah Losinger is Honored: 2024 Ruth and Ken Altshuler Callier Care Award

Beth Thoele, Sarah Losinger and Dr. Angela Shoup
Campbell Callier Prize
The Campbell Callier Prize is a biennial award that recognizes individuals from around the world for their leadership in fostering scientific advances and significant developments in the diagnosis and treatment of communication disorders.
Dr. Rebecca Landa is Honored: 2024 Campbell Callier Prize

From left to right: Dr. Thomas Campbell and Dr. Rebecca Landa
Keynote speakers
Wendy and Kyle Bradley were a highlight of the luncheon sharing their family’s Callier patient journey. “Because of early intervention and the 3D-Printed earmolds, Liam has caught up to his peers in his communication skills. He no longer has what was once a seven-month gap. Without donors who supported this innovative treatment, Liam’s story would be very different.”
Wendy and Kyle Bradley share Liam’s Story:

From left: Wendy and Kyle Bradley with their son, Callier patient, Liam Bradley
Friends of the Callier Center for Communication Disorders
Press: JUST IN: A Wail At Callier Cares Lunch Brought Home The Importance Of Communication Disorders Research | Callier Cares Luncheon Inspires Support for Children, Families | MySweetCharity Photo Gallery Alert: 2024 Callier Cares Luncheon | Callier Cares Luncheon Patron Party Had A Picture-Perfect Setting To Hear About Hearing | Callier Cares Luncheon To Host A Lights-Out, After-Party For An Out-Of-This-World Event | 2024 Callier Cares Luncheon Leadership And Honorees Announced
Videos and Photos

Thank You to Our Generous Donors
2024 Sponsors
PRESENTING | $50,000
- Rosemarie and Maynard Ewton
LOVE | $25,000
- Anne and John McPherson
COMPASSION | $10,000
- Anonymous Donor
- Robyn and Don Conlon
- Lisa and Clay Cooley in honor of Sara Martineau and Sarah Losinger
- Laura and Jason Downing
- Betsy and Richard Eiseman/Eiseman Jewels in honor of Tricia George and Tom Swiley
- Margaret and Lee Jackson
- Chris and Clark Kennington
- Sara and David Martineau
- Laura and Robert Neely
- Beth and Chuck Thoele in honor of Sara and David Martineau and Sarah Losinger
KINDNESS | $5,000+
- Anonymous gift given to honor Sara and David Martineau and Sarah Losinger
- Della and Bob Best
- ChandlerSpeaks
- Children’s Health
- Sam and Helga Feldman Foundation/Natalie and David Taylor
- Tricia M. George
- Louise and Guy Griffeth in honor of Sara and David Martineau, Sarah Losinger, Anne McPherson and Laura Downing
- Joyce and Larry Lacerte in honor of Sara and David Martineau and Sarah Losinger
- Pam and Vin Perella
- Felicia and Gideon Powell
- Rose Family Foundation
- Paul Thibodeaux/Bright Wealth Management
- Lois Wolf in memory of Howard Wolf
HOPE | $3,000+
- Carole Lou Bruton (Mrs. David D. Bruton, Jr.)
- Vicki and Bob Chapman
- Linda and Bill Custard in honor of Sara and David Martineau
- Dickerson Family Trust
- Dr. Christine A. Dollaghan and Dr. Thomas F. Campbell
- Claire Emanuelson
- Paddy and Barry Epstein
- Gail Corder Fischer in honor of Sarah Losinger
- Judy and Jim Gibbs in honor of Sara and David Martineau and Sarah Losinger
- Locke Lord, LLP
- Janet Moll and David Ashworth
- Dr. Angela G. Shoup and Mr. Brett Barron
- Kay Sim
- Lisa K. Simmons in honor of Sarah Losinger
- UT Southwestern Medical Center/Southwestern Medical Foundation
CONTRIBUTOR | $1,000 – $2,999
- Paula S. Austell
- Ken Braxton, Jr., J.D.
- Suzanne Caruso and Stephen Saldanha in honor of Sara and David Martineau
- Debor and Jay Cassen
- Susan and David Daniel in honor of Sara and David Martineau
- Patty and Bob Duncan
- Sarah and Jeff Durrant
- Pat Ellington
- Patti Flowers and Tom Swiley in honor of Sara and David Martineau
- Ola Fojtasek in honor of Anne McPherson and Laura Downing
- Nancy and Joe Foran in honor of Richard Neely and Robert Neely
- J. M. Haggar, Jr. Family Foundation
- Sally and Steve Hanna
- Carol Heller
- Kim Hext in honor of Laura Downing and Anne McPherson
- Caroline L. Hunt
- Libby and David Hunt in honor of Sara and David Martineau
- Angie Kadesky in honor of Sarah Losinger and Louise Griffeth
- Teresa and Luther King/Luther King Capital Management in honor of Sara and David Martineau
- Kevin Kirksey in honor of Micah Powell and Felicia Powell
- Kline Family Foundation in honor of Sarah Losinger
- Dianne and Mark LaRoe
- Vicky and Doug Lattner in honor of Sara Martineau and Laura Downing
- Sharon and Mike McCullough in honor of Sara and David Martineau
- Kathleen and Richard Neely
- Robert Penfield
- Dr. Joyce Pickering
- Drs. Carol and Dan Podolsky in honor of Sara and David Martineau
- Jill Rowlett
- Linda and Les Secrest in honor of Sarah Losinger, Tricia George, and Rosemarie and Maynard Ewton
- Megan and Justin Steinbach
- Barbara Sypult
- Stacey Walker
- Marilyn and Ben Weber in honor of Sara and David Martineau
- Jimmy Westcott
- Marnie and Kern Wildenthal
- Emilynn Berry Wilson
- Joyce and Linus Wright
CONTRIBUTOR | $500 – $999
- Beth and Gary Arsenault
- Zimo and Justin Banta
- Gina and Ken Betts in honor of Laura Downing
- Susan Brown
- Pam Busbee
- Harold D. Carter
- Nancy Carter in honor of Laura Downing
- Vani Chitiprolu
- Katherine Coker
- Marie DeCamp Dean
- Leslie Diers in honor of Sara and David Martineau
- Sandra Estess
- Susan G. Fleming, PhD in honor of Pagett Gosslee
- Elizabeth Gambrell
- Lisa Gilbert
- Nancy Gopez
- Lisa Hembry
- April and Tim Jordan
- Cheryl Joyner in honor of Laura Downing
- Melinda Knowles
- Kathryn Lake
- Beth Layton in honor of Laura Downing
- Dr. Colleen LePrell
- Dr. and Mrs. Mark C. Lester in honor of Rosemarie and Maynard Ewton
- Paige Locke
- Jane McConnell in honor of Anne McPherson
- JoAnne and Eddy Moore
- Lydia Novakov
- Debbie and Nickey Oates in honor of Sarah Losinger and Laura Downing
- Mary Martha Pickens
- Pamela and Scott Purcel in honor of Benjamin Purcel
- Kim Quinn
- Phyllis Rerko
- Holly and Chris Rio
- Ruth E. Robinson in honor of Barbara Sypult
- Phillip Rose
- Pat Schiff in honor of Sara and David Martineau
- Debbie Scripps in honor of Sarah Losinger
- Brooke and Aaron Shelby in honor of Laura Downing
- Jo Tuck in honor of Kay Sim
- Julie and Jim Turner in honor of Sara and David Martineau
- Dr. Anne E. Van Kleeck and Mr. Jim Smeeding in honor of Dr. Rebecca Landa
- Deb and Jeff Webb in honor of Rosemarie and Maynard Ewton
- Wanda and Gary Webb
- Candace Winslow
- Shalaina Abioye
- Ashley Allen in honor of Anne McPherson
- Brooke Bailey
- Carla Blomquist in honor of Sarah Losinger
- Leslie Cardenas
- Christie Carter in honor of Sara and David Martineau
- Anne and Paul Corley in honor of Sara and David Martineau
- Sally Cullum
- Sissy Cullum
- Elizabeth Dacus
- Laura Dean
- Tiffany Divis in honor of Laura Downing and Sarah Losinger
- Jennifer Dix in honor of Stacey Walker
- Dr. Christine A. Dollaghan and Dr. Thomas F. Campbell in honor of Sara and David Martineau
- Christina Eubanks
- Susan Farris in honor of Laura Downing and Anne McPherson
- Beth Fenton
- Leah Fullinwider
- Susan Glassmoyer in honor of Beth Thoele, Laura Downing, and Anne McPherson
- Jeanne Marie Gochuico
- Marsha Gordon
- Patricia Hall
- Randi and Edward Halsell in honor of Sara and David Martineau
- Elizabeth Hecksel in honor of Davis Hecksel
- Robin B. Jarrett, PhD, in honor of Rev. and Mrs. Richard B. Jarrett
- Sue P. John
- Carole and Christopher Jordan in honor of Robert and Laura Neely
- Patty and Mark Leyendecker in honor of Laura Downing, Sara and David Martineau, and Sarah Losinger
- Lisa and George Longino
- Kathryn S. Martin in honor of Maynard and Rosemarie Ewton
- Mr. and Mrs. Butch McCaslin in honor of Sara Martineau
- Cynthia Melnick
- Peggy and Dan Meyer
- Connie O’Neill
- Dr. Ross J. Roeser
- Diane and Donald Ross in honor of Rosemarie and Maynard Ewton
- Ann M. Rowley in honor of Sarah Losinger
- Carol Seay
- Lynne and Roy Sheldon in honor of Sara and David Martineau
- Nancy Shelton in honor of Carolyn Speed
- Shelle Sills in honor of Sara and David Martineau and Sarah Losinger
- Ruth Stout in honor of Marguerite Ann Pickens
- Venise Stuart in honor of Laura Downing
- Dr. Linda Thibodeau
- Kathy and Neill Touchstone in honor of Dr. Claude Prestidge
- Dr. Debra Weinberger
Thank you to Our Wonderful Host Committee
2024 Host Committee
- Ashley Allen
- Lindsay Ballotta
- Cynthia H. Beaird
- Anne Besser
- Gina and Ken Betts
- Ken Braxton, Jr.
- Diane and Hal Brierley
- Diane and Stuart Bumpas
- Pam Busbee
- Christie Carter
- Nancy Carter
- Vicki and Bob Chapman
- Katherine Coker
- Stefanie and Aaron Conley
- Marybeth Conlon
- Robyn Conlon
- Lisa and Thomas Connop
- Lisa Cooley
- Anne Reeder Corley
- Sissy Cullum
- Linda Custard
- Marie DeCamp Dean
- Leslie Diers
- Tiffany Divis
- Dr. Christine A. Dollaghan and Dr. Thomas F. Campbell
- Christina and Chris Durovich
- Sarah and Jeffrey Durrant
- Ann and Bob Dyer, Jr.
- Claire Emanuelson
- Tucker Enthoven
- Sandra Estess
- Rosemarie and Maynard Ewton
- Susan Farris
- Gail Corder Fischer
- Ola Fojtasek
- Diane Frank
- Elizabeth Gambrell
- Clement R. George
- Tricia M. George
- Judy and Jim Gibbs
- Susan and Michael Glassmoyer
- Nancy Gopez
- Marsha Gordon
- Louise and Guy Griffeth
- Sandy Hale
- Randi and Edward Halsell
- Carol Heller
- Lisa Hembry
- Kim Hext
- Libby Hunt
- Lee F. Jackson
- Dr. Robin B. Jarrett and Mr. Wes Norred
- Linda Jenkins
- Carrie Johnson
- Di Johnston
- April and Tim Jordan
- Angie Kadesky
- Chris and Clark Kennington
- Teresa King
- Kline Family Foundation
- Melinda Knowles
- Joyce and Larry Lacerte
- Vicky Lattner
- Patty and Mark Leyendecker
- Berkeley and William Litton
- Paige and Chuck Locke
- Lisa and George Longino
- Sarah and Alan Losinger
- Lynn McBee
- Sharon and Mike McCullough
- Anne and John McPherson
- Peggy and Dan Meyer
- Kathleen and Richard Neely
- Laura and Robert Neely
- Lincoln Neely
- Lydia Novakov
- Connie O’Neill
- Pam Perella
- Dr. Joyce Pickering
- Drs. Carol and Dan Podolsky
- Felicia and Gideon Powell
- Michal Powell
- Kim Quinn
- Ross J. Roeser
- Megan Rose
- Jill Rowlett
- Carol Seay
- Linda and Les Secrest
- Brooke and Aaron Shelby
- Nancy B. Shelton
- Chandler and Cason Sherrod
- Shelle Sills
- Liza Fischer Skaggs
- Mrs. Don Snell
- Megan and Justin Steinbach
- Barbara Stuart
- Paul Thibodeaux
- Beth and Chuck Thoele
- Karen and Courtney Toliver
- Cindy Turner
- Julie and Jim Turner
- Dee and Trey Velvin
- Stacey Walker
- Evy Kay and Dick Washburne
- Wanda and Gary Webb
- Dr. Debra Weinberger
- Marnie and Kern Wildenthal
- Emilynn Berry Wilson
- Candace Winslow
- Joyce and Linus Wright