Am I eligible to apply?
The program is only open to all UTSW Medical Center and UT Dallas employees.
Where are you located?
We are located on the campus of UT Dallas Callier Center for Communication Disorders near downtown Dallas off of I-35 and Inwood Road.
How do I get on the waiting list?
Visit our Application page found under the Child Development menu, and fill out the appropriate application form to submit it online.
How does the waiting list work?
A child is added to the waiting list according to their birthday and date of application. The waiting list is prioritized by UTSW according to various criteria. Employment is verified with UT Dallas/UTSW before the child is added to the waiting list and just prior to any enrollment offer.
What if my position changes with UTSW?
Contact the office so we can make sure your name is on the correct prioritized list
Is there a fee for being on the waiting list?
No, there is not a fee for the initial waiting list. If you are offered a spot but decline for a later start date, then there is a fee for remaining on the list without losing your initial application date; otherwise, you would drop to the bottom of the list.
How long does it take before my child will get into the program?
There is no way to predict how long it will take. The length of each list varies by age group. Our infant and toddler lists are typically the longest.
When is enrollment?
Our biggest enrollment is in August as the currently enrolled older children move to public or private schools. All offers for August enrollment are sent out via email on April 1. We fill openings throughout the year.
What is the enrollment process?
After securing your child’s enrollment by paying your enrollment fee and deposit, you receive a welcome letter from the program manager and schedule your pre-enrollment parent orientation. You then receive your child’s enrollment paperwork via email. (Bring all completed paperwork and your child(ren)with you to the parent orientation.)
What can I expect at my pre-enrollment parent orientation?
What can I expect at my pre-enrollment parent orientation?
This meeting typically lasts 45 minutes and we ask you to bring your child with you. You can expect to meet with the program manager; complete your intake process with our administrative assistant and meet your child’s teacher as well as tour the classroom. You also receive a classroom supply list. Bring the COMPLETED enrollment packet to this appointment!
What credentials or training do teachers have?
All Child Development Specialists have at least an Associate Degree and many have a BA/BS degree in Child Development. The Child Development Associates have a nationally recognized Child Development Associate Credential (CDA) or a higher degree. All classroom staff and administrators receive a minimum of 24 hours of annual training. Infant teachers receive specialized training in feeding, sanitation, Shaken Baby Syndrome, Early Brain Development, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, and responsive caregiving.
Do you offer meals and snacks?
Breakfast and snack costs are included in the tuition. Families have the option of sending lunch with their child or paying an additional fee for school lunch.
Can I bring lunch for my child on some days and use the school lunch other days?
If you choose school lunches, you are billed regardless of whether your child brings lunch or not.