Breakfast and an afternoon snack are provided daily to all children in attendance at serving times. Lunch may be purchased on a monthly basis or brought from home.
The Callier Child Development Program participates in the National School Breakfast and Lunch Program. Application forms are provided in the enrollment packet; additional copies are available in the sign-in areas of each building.
Please read our Nondiscrimination Policy:
Nondiscrimination Policy (English)
Food served at school is planned to meet children’s daily nutritional needs, in compliance with federal school breakfast/lunch program guidelines. For more information, see National School Lunch Program (NSLP) and Team Nutrition.
Parents who choose to provide packed lunches assume responsibility for meeting their child’s daily food needs. For nutritious packed lunches suggestions, visit Education Bug.
Please read our Wellness Policy:
Wellness Policy (English)
Please read our Policy for Handling Discrimination Complaints:
Policy for Handling Discrimination Complaints (English)