Section 25: Facsimile Transmittal of PHI
This policy sets the rules for the use and disclosure of PHI through facsimile transmission.
All pages of a facsimile containing PHI shall be marked “CONFIDENTIAL.” The facsimile cover letter shall contain a notice of disclosure that informs the recipient that the information is confidential, identifies the proper recipient, and directs any other person who receives the fax to notify the sender immediately of an error.
Confidentiality Notice: Protected Health Information Enclosed
Protected Health Information (PHI) is personal and sensitive information related to a person’s health care. It is being faxed to you after appropriate authorization. You, the recipient, are obligated to maintain it in a safe, secure and confidential manner. Re-disclosure without additional patient consent or as permitted by law is prohibited. Unauthorized re-disclosure or failure to maintain confidentiality could subject you to penalties described in federal and state law.
IMPORTANT WARNING: This message is intended for the use of the person or entity to which it is addressed and may contain information that is privileged and confidential, the disclosure of which is governed by applicable law. If you are not the intended recipient, or the employee or agent responsible to deliver it to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any disclosure, copying or distribution of this information is strictly prohibited.
If you have received this message by error, please notify the sender immediately to arrange for return or destruction of these documents.
- To help ensure that faxes are sent to the correct destination, any frequently used numbers or programmed numbers shall be periodically checked for accuracy, and new fax numbers shall be verified with the intended recipient before any PHI is faxed.
- If the Callier Center learns that a fax has been misdirected, the recipient shall be reached by phone or by fax immediately and instructed to destroy the misdirected fax.
- Any employee sending a misdirected fax must notify the HIPAA Privacy Officer immediately.
HIPAA Regulatory Citation: 45 CFR § 164.530
Effective: 04/14/2003
Revised: 04/13/2013
Reviewed: 10/21/2022, 03/26/2021, 12/08/2015

Heather Zimmerman, HIPAA Privacy Officer
UT Dallas Callier Center