Section 28: Verbal Use of PHI
This policy sets the privacy rules for verbal use of PHI.
The Callier Center shall reasonably safeguard PHI that is orally Used or Disclosed in order to limit incidental Uses and Disclosures of the PHI.
Conversations, whether face-to-face, by telephone, or by electronic media via telehealth services that involve PHI should be conducted in private (e.g., behind closed doors).
Questions and information requested by patients or a personal representative of a patient in public areas should be discussed quietly, without excessive use of the patient’s name. Answers requiring extensive discussion require moving to a private area.
HIPAA Regulatory Citation: 45 CFR § 164.502
Effective: 04/14/2003
Revised: 03/30/2021
Reviewed: 10/21/2022, 03/30/2021, 12/08/2015

Heather Zimmerman, HIPAA Privacy Officer
UT Dallas Callier Center