SIARC is a unique opportunity for adults with hearing impairment and their communication partners to experience the benefits of cooperative learning in a social environment. Participants will benefit from the expertise of guest speakers on several occasions during the conference. Topics in the past have included tinnitus, coping skills and assistive listening devices.

Group classes on coping, facilitating communication and how to use new listening technology will be provided each day. Throughout the conference and planned social activities, participants will be able to try digital and programmable hearing aids and use various assistive listening devices that work with hearing aids or cochlear implants. Personnel from the Advanced Hearing Research Center at the Callier Center will present innovations in hearing research and opportunities for research involvement.
When: July 21-25, 2024
Sunday: 1:00 – 5:00 p.m.
Monday – Wednesday:
9:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. (dinner included)
Thursday: 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m
Where: Callier Clinical Research Center, 811 Synergy Park Blvd., Richardson, TX 75080
Cost: Submit registration prior to July 1 with $20
deposit per person to reserve a place. If
paid in full by July 1, registration fee is only
$350 per couple or $175 per individual.
Deposits will be applied to registration fees.
Registration includes hearing test, all technology trials and classes and Lunch/Dinner on July 24-26.
Contact: Dr. Linda Thibodeau