Mission: The Callier Ambassador group was established to share educational information and resources with the community and raise awareness about the Callier Center for Communication Disorders. The group will be ambassadors for the Callier Center and support Callier patients who struggle with a wide variety of speech, language and hearing disorders. Ambassador events will highlight patients’ journeys, leading-edge clinical services, training of the next generation and innovative basic and applied research. Our goal is to provide Callier Ambassadors with in-depth insight of the Callier Center. So that, they can then share this information with the community at large.
Most importantly, Callier Ambassador memberships provides philanthropic support for the Callier Care Fund, which helps to provide treatment to patients and families who cannot afford it. All Ambassador memberships are fully-tax deductible. Join today and transform the life of a Callier patient!
Callier Ambassador Chairman: Megan Steinbach
Callier Ambassador Donor Recognition
Membership Levels:
$75 Ambassador

- Invitation to Callier Ambassador events.
- Volunteer opportunities (i.e., Callier’s teaching clinics etc.).
Philanthropy Impact: Your Ambassador membership provides electrodes that diagnose hearing loss for newborn infants at Callier!
$125 Joint Ambassador

- Invitation to Callier Ambassador events.
- Volunteer opportunities (i.e., Callier’s teaching clinics etc.).
- Donor Recognition on the website.
Philanthropy Impact: Your Joint Ambassador membership provides one group speech-language therapy session for a Callier pediatric patient with autism!
$250 Premium Ambassador

- Invitation to Callier Ambassador events.
- Volunteer opportunities (i.e., Callier’s teaching clinics etc.).
- Donor Recognition on the website.
- Invitation to all other Callier events (i.e, Campbell Callier Prize Conference, Summer Camp tours, etc).
Philanthropy Impact: Your Premium Ambassador membership provides disposable insert earphones used to conduct hearing tests for 375 Callier pediatric and adult patients!
Join Today! Join online or mail a personal check payable to the Callier Center for Communication Disorders to: 1966 Inwood Road, Dallas, Texas 75235.
Callier Ambassador Events

Spring Coffee Talk: May 13, 2025
Summer – Callier Summer Camp tours
*Questions about the Callier Ambassador group or interested in sponsoring a Callier Ambassador event? Contact Larissa Fong, Assistant Director of Annual Giving at larissa.fong@utdallas.edu or (972) 883-3081.
View Past Events
2023 Callier Ambassador Kick-off Breakfast: Why Not Me?
2024 Callier Ambassador Winter Coffee Talk
2024 Callier Ambassador Spring Coffee Talk