The Callier Center is dedicated to providing treatment and therapy to patients who are diagnosed with hearing loss and communication disorders. When you receive care at the Callier Center, you become part of our family. Callier’s commitment to your health and well-being extends beyond you, to caring for your loved ones now and for generations to come.
The greatest benefit of supporting those who made a difference to you is making a difference in the lives of others. Because of the generosity of donors and our community, Callier patients are able to receive care regardless of their financial background.
We invite you to transform the lives of Callier patients by donating, advocating, and volunteering through the Grateful Patient Program.
Make a gift to patient care.
Share your story to inspire others.
Send a note of gratitude to an audiologist, speech-language pathologist, faculty member or Callier staff member who played a special role in your care.
Donate to Callier’s Hearing Aid Recycling Program (HARP).
Volunteer to become a research participant.
Become a Callier Ambassador and help raise awareness for the Callier Center and raise support for patient care.
No matter how you choose to partner with Callier, your involvement will make a significant difference in the lives of our patients and help them “to hear and be heard, to understand and be understood”.