The purpose of the Callier Clinical Research Center (CCRC) participant registry is to help match research volunteers to current and future studies that concern speech, language, hearing and associated disorders. The participant’s information will not be shared with institutions outside of the Callier Clinical Research Center without the participant’s consent.
When enrolled in the registry, we will ask you to complete a questionnaire. We will ask for basic demographic and contact information. In addition, we will ask for basic information about current and/or previous speech, language, and hearing disorders, if applicable. With this information in the registry, we will know when you may be a good match for a research study. Please note that you can also participate in the registry and research studies if you do not have speech, language or hearing disorders.
If you are a possible match for a research study, you may be contacted by the researcher for that study. Researchers are located at the Callier Center for Communication Disorders, University of Texas at Dallas (UTD). You will receive information about the study, which the UTD Institutional Review Board has approved. You are not obligated to participate in any study. Choosing not to participate does not affect clinical care, childcare or any other services you or your family engage in at the Callier Center or UTD.
Your information will be kept indefinitely. You can have your information removed from the registry at any time by selecting one of the following options:
- Inform the front desk staff or your provider at the Callier Center
- Email us at: callierresearchregistry@utdallas.edu
- Call us at the Callier Clinical Research Center: (972) 883-3600
- Write to us at: Callier Clinical Research Center, Participant Registry, 811 Synergy Park Boulevard, Richardson, Texas 75080 and include your request with the participant’s full name, address and date of birth.
At no point are you obligated to participate in research.