Giving Story: Northwood Woman’s Club

To commemorate its 50th year, Northwood Woman’s Club selected the Callier Center as its sole beneficiary and raised $250,000, which was matched by other gift funds at the Callier Center to create a $500,000 endowment.
Hope Story: Crystal Charity Ball

In 2016, the Crystal Charity Ball awarded the Callier Center a grant for $630,000 to provide hearing evaluations, hearing aids and three years of follow-up services to approximately 360 children from low-income families. Through Crystal Charity’s generosity…
Dr. Jun Wang, Callier Center researcher

The Callier Center gives a voice to people who don’t have one, and the research of Dr. Jun Wang is a core part of that mission. Wang is developing a silent speech processor, in which a person’s lips and tongue movements will be recognized by a sensor and then translated into spoken words. When completed,…
David Tolstyka, audiology graduate student

At age 15, David Tolstyka suffered from an autoimmune inner ear disease. Within three months, he went from normal hearing to profound bilateral deafness. “There’s an existential dread to losing a sense,” Tolstyka said. “It’s something that no one can prepare for.” Tolstyka underwent cochlear implant surgery in Michigan. When his family moved to Texas,…
Addy DeWolfe

Two-and-a-half-year-old Addy DeWolfe loves to sing “Wheels on the Bus,” but when she was born, she failed her newborn hearing screening and was later diagnosed with permanent hearing loss in both ears. “The day we found out she was deaf, I was pretty devastated,” said Jennifer DeWolfe, Addy’s mother. At 14 months old, Addy received…
Giving Story: The Meadows Foundation and Ruth and Ken Altshuler

To honor longtime Callier champions The Meadows Foundation and Ruth and Dr. Ken Altshuler, the clinical wings located inside the Callier Center Expansion at The University of Texas at Dallas were recently named the Meadows Foundation Wing and the Altshuler Wing. “Al Meadows invested in Callier from the beginning…

A collaboration between Callier and RoboKind, Robots4Autism™ uses a humanoid robot to deliver research-based lessons that teach social behaviors to children with autism.
Meet Cole

The people at the Callier Center make me feel like I don’t need to go through difficult times anymore.
Meet Ashish

When I was in second grade, when I first got hearing aids, I could finally hear the teacher…Thank you Callier. You are my HEAR O.
Meet Amy

Before, I felt abnormal. I didn’t feel like who I was. Coming here, it was more like God sent me here. This is what I needed.