- Callier Cares Luncheon:
- Campbell Callier Prize conference:
- North Texas Giving Day:
- Dr. Jeffrey Martin Fellowship in Audiology Research
- Fuel Member Access
- Host Committee
- Jackie Clark Audiology Fellowship
- Martineau Clinician-Scientist Graduate Fellowship
- Meet Callier Ambassador Chair: Megan Steinbach
- Musician Services
- Patient Forms
- Share Your Story
- Sharon and Ross Roeser Fellowship for Audiology
- Thank you to 2024 Callier Center’s Ambassadors!
- Home
- calliercares
- Responsive Feeding Therapy Conference Speakers
- North Texas Cochlear Implant Symposium Speakers
- Telehealth
- Callier Holiday Wish List
- About Callier
- Evaluation & Treatment
- Adult Speech & Language Programs and Services
- Hearing Resources
- Pediatric Balance
- Pediatric Speech & Language Programs and Services
- Speech & Language FAQ
- Adult Autism Spectrum Disorder Programs & Services
- Pediatric Autism Spectrum Disorder Programs & Services
- Autism Spectrum Disorder FAQ
- Adult Hearing Evaluations
- Pediatric Hearing Evaluations
- Adult Hearing Aids
- Pediatric Hearing Aids
- Tinnitus
- Balance & Vestibular Treatment
- Hearing Conservation Services
- Hearing & Balance FAQ
- Pediatric Cochlear Implant Services
- Pediatric Cochlear Candidacy Evaluations
- Pediatric Follow-Up Services
- Cochlear Implant FAQ
- Autism Spectrum Disorder Resources
- Cochlear Implant Resources
- Speech & Language Resources
- Callier-Azusa Scale
- Practice Policies
- Audiologists
- Speech-Language Pathologists
- Summer Camps
- Child Development
- Child Development Enrollment Forms
- Child Development Program Overview
- Child Development Tuition and Fees
- Child Development Application
- Child Development FAQ
- Deaf Education
- Parent’s Association
- Parent Handbook
- Nutrition Program
- Child Development Gallery
- Child Development Personnel
- Child Development Calendar
- Child Development Employment
- Academics
- Research
- Giving
- Become a Callier Ambassador!
- Callier Family Care Campaign Overview
- Grateful Patient Program Overview
- Meet Our Patients
- Research: Investing in Researchers
- Investing in the Callier Family
- Case for Support
- Callier Impact Report
- Keep in Touch with Callier
- Treatment: Investing in Patients & Clinicians
- Training: Investing in Students
- Make A Monthly Donation
- Other Ways to Give
- Give In Honor
- Send a Note of Gratitude
- Share Your Story
- Save The Date
- About the Callier Cares Luncheon
- Ruth & Ken Altshuler Callier Care Award
- Campbell Callier Prize
- Development Team
- Board of Trustees
- About the Foundation
- Host Committee
- Contact Us
- Articles
- HIPAA Privacy Manual
- Sitemap
- Offline
Fuel Docs
- HIPAA Privacy Forms Referred to in the Manual
- Section 34: Breach Notification Policy
- Section 33: Employee PHI Confidentiality Agreement
- Section 32: Education and Training of the Health Care Component Workforce
- Section 31 : Discipline and Dismissal; Non-retaliation
- Section 30: Record Keeping and Documentation
- Section 29 : Medical Record and Media Policy
- Section 28: Verbal Use of PHI
- Section 27: Maintaining and Storing of PHI, Secure Destruction
- Section 26: Electronic PHI
- Section 25: Facsimile Transmittal of PHI
- Section 24 : Electronic Mail Containing PHI
- Section 23: Complaint Process
- Section 22: Requests for Accounting of Disclosures
- Section 21: Requests for Communications at Alternative Locations or by Alternative Means
- Section 20: Request for Restricting Access to PHI
- Section 19: Request to Amend Designated Record Set
- Section 18: Patient Access to Protected Health Information
- Section 17: Verification of Patient Identification
- Section 16: Protected Health Information and De-identified Data
- Section 15: Research Uses and Disclosures of PHI
- Section 14: Psychotherapy Notes – Use and Disclosure
- Section 13: Releases & Disclosures Requiring No Authorization
- Section 12: Business Associates
- Section 11: Personal Representatives, Minors and Deceased Individuals – Uses and Disclosures of PHI
- Section 10: Permitted Use and Disclosure of PHI to Family and Friends – Individual Care and Notification Purposes
- Section 9: Sale of Protected Health Information
- Section 8: Marketing
- Section 7: Fundraising
- Section 6: Patient Authorization – Uses and Disclosures of PHI
- Section 5: Maintaining Patient Confidentiality through the Appropriate Use and Disclosure of PHI; Application of the Minimum Necessary Standard
- Section 4: Notice of Privacy Practices
- Section 3: Roles and Responsibilities
- Section 2: Designation of UT Dallas Hybrid Entity
- Section 1: Introduction and Definition of Terms
- The University of Texas at Dallas Speech Language Pathology Master of Science Open House
- FLASH Lecture: Transparent Teaching and Learning in the Age of Generative Artificial Intelligence
- FLASH Lecture: Sensorimotor Timing Control in Neurological Speech and Voice Disorders
- FLASH Lecture: Truly Deaf-Defying: Qualia Oto’s Push Towards a Superior Cochlear Implant
- FLASH Lecture: Acoustic Experience Alters How You “See” the World
- Callier Ambassador Spring Coffee Talk
- Callier Ambassador Winter Social Hour
- The University of Texas at Dallas Speech Language Pathology Master of Science Open House
- UG Open House Event
- Callier Ambassador Fall Kick-off Breakfast
- 2024 North Texas Giving Day
- In-House Earmold 3-D Printing Workshop
- Callier Ambassador Spring Coffee Talk
- Callier Ambassador Winter Coffee Talk
- UT Dallas/Callier Center Alumni and Student Winter Happy Hour
- 2024 Callier Cares Luncheon
- 2024 North Texas Cochlear Implant Symposium
- In-House Earmold 3-D Printing Workshop
- 2024 Campbell Callier Prize Conference
- Callier Ambassador Kick-off Breakfast
- The University of Texas at Dallas Doctor of Audiology Program Undergraduate Open House
- North Texas Giving Day
- Shot of Generosity
- Raise a Cup for Callier
- Public Meeting and Call for Comments
AuD and MS SLP Program - Camp Mary Poppins
- Summer Intensive Auditory Revitalization Conference (SIARC)
- Comets Giving Days
- Summer Language Camp
- Summer Reading Camp
- Callier Cares Luncheon
- Summer Intensive Auditory Revitalization Conference (SIARC)
- North Texas Cochlear Implant Symposium
- Campbell Callier Prize Conference
- 2022 Callier Cares Luncheon
- Camp Interact
- Callier Cares Luncheon
- Virtual Responsive Feeding Therapy Conference: A Therapy Model Across the Lifespan ~ Day 2
- Virtual Responsive Feeding Therapy Conference: A Therapy Model Across the Lifespan ~ Day 1
- CANCELED: Summer Intensive Auditory Revitalization Conference (SIARC)
- CANCELED: 2020 Callier Cares Luncheon
- CANCELED: North Texas Cochlear Implant Symposium
- CANCELED: Responsive Feeding Therapy Conference: A Therapy Model Across the Lifespan
- Summer Listening Camp
- Camp CHAT (Communication Habilitation via Audition for Teens)
- American Academy of Audiology convention
- FLASH: Visual Emotion Processing of Adolescents With and Without Cochlear Implants
- BBS Colloquium: Face representations in deep convolutional neural networks
- BBS Colloquium: Endogenous opioids in chronic pain pleasant touch
- FLASH: Fly-Inspired Microphones and Acoustical MEMS at the University of Texas – Austin
- FLASH: Social Engagement Outcomes in a Parent Mediated Early Intervention Program for Toddlers with ASD
- Campbell Callier Prize Conference
- 2019 Callier Cares Luncheon
Staff Bios
- Dena Palmer, M.S.
- Laura Bray, MS, CCC-SLP
- Patricia Gregory
- Luis Olvera, BS, Hearing Aid Technician
- Chloe Howard
- Hillary Klimkowski, MA, MS, CCC-SLP
- Amy Trail, MS, CCC-SLP
- Adam J. Woods, PhD
- Cornetta Mosley, AuD, PhD, CCC-A
- Saul Frankford, PhD
- Dominique Vasquez, MS, CCC-SLP
- Lucia Cortez
- Stephanie L. Fowler-Brookman, PhD, AuD, ABA-C
- Katie Lange, MS, CCC-SLP
- Anne McPherson
- Roozbeh Behroozmand, PhD
- Jaycie Wooten, MS, CCC/SLP
- Roozbeh Behroozmand, PhD
- Beth Arsenault
- Holly Rio
- Jeniece Ray, MS, CCC-SLP
- Donna Wylie
- Heather Zimmerman, MOT
- Larissa Fong
- Crystal Guzman, Hearing Aid Technician
- Kelly Jahn, PhD
- Stephanie Fowler, AuD, PhD, ABAC
- Christina Campbell, AuD, ABAC, AIB-VAM
- Judith Rich, EdD, CCC-SLP
- Sonia Singh, PhD
- Carlos Benítez Barrera, PhD
- Angela Shoup, PhD
- Adrianna C. Shembel, PhD, CCC-SLP
- Yune S. Lee, PhD
- Amanda Frost, AuD, CCC-A, PASC
- “Pumpki” Lei Su, PhD, CCC-SLP
- Stephanie Williams, AuD, ABAC, PASC
- Alexandra Harris, AuD, CCC-A
- Sharon Fjordbak
- Margaret T. Owen, PhD
- Melanie J. Spence, PhD
- Scott K. Griffiths, PhD
- Jennell Vick, PhD
- Diane Ogiela, PhD
- Mina Syrika, PhD
- Raúl Rojas, PhD, CCC-SLP
- Jun Wang, PhD
- Alyson Abel-Mills, PhD
- Johanna Rudolph, PhD
- Sarah Kucker, PhD
- Patrick Reidy, PhD
- Meghan M. Davidson, PhD
- Kimberly C. Jenkins, PhD, CCC-SLP
- Mitchell Frye, AuD, PhD, CCC-A
- Kenneth Z. Altshuler, MD
- Chin-Tuan Tan, PhD
- Michael Kilgard, PhD
- John Hart, MD
- Peter Assmann, PhD
- Emily Touchstone, PhD, CCC-SLP
- Pamela Rollins, EdD, CCC-SLP
- Mandy J. Maguire, PhD
- Julia Evans, PhD, CCC-SLP
- Sandra B. Chapman, PhD, CCC-SLP
- Andrea Warner-Czyz, PhD
- Linda Thibodeau, PhD, CCC-A, CCC-SLP
- Aage R. Moller, PhD
- Edward Lobarinas, PhD
- Rachel Wehner, MS, CCC-SLP
- Diane Garst Walsh, MS, CCC-SLP
- Ramie Thompson, MS, CCC-SLP
- Amber N. Stehlik, MS, CCC-SLP, LSLS Cert. AVT
- Felicity Sale, MS, CCC-SLP
- Hannah Pourchot Neale, PhD, CCC-SLP
- Kimberly Moran, MS, CCC-SLP
- Jenny H. McGlothlin, MS, CCC-SLP
- Helen Kenedi, MS, CCC-SLP
- Jessica Carter, MS, CCC-SLP
- Paige Bowen, MS, CCC-SLP
- Michelle Aldridge, PhD, CCC-SLP
- Lisa Richards, AuD, CCC-A
- Laura L. Parnell, AuD, CCC-A
- Shari C. Kwon, AuD, CCC-A
- Kim Fiorentino, AuD, CCC-A
- Jackie L. Clark, PhD, ABAC
- Andrew Calvert, BA – Clinical Innovation Lab Manager
- Shyra Burrell, MS
- Beth Harben, BS
- Melissa H. Sweeney, MS, CCC-SLP, LSLS Cert. AVT
- Robert Stillman, PhD
- Jodelle Oakley, MS
- Janice Lougeay, MA, CCC-SLP
- Colleen Le Prell, PhD
- Andrea Gohmert, AuD, CCC-A, ABAC
- Carol Cokely, PhD, F-AAA, CCC-A
- 2024 Callier Impact Report
- 2024 Callier Cares Luncheon
- 2022 Callier Impact Report
- 2023 Callier Cares Luncheon
- 2022 Callier Cares Luncheon
- 2021 Callier Impact Report
- Training Story: Urban Speech and Language Initiative
- Giving Story: Callier Cares Luncheon
- Treatment Story: ChandlerSpeaks
- Research Story: Beth and Mohammed Anis
- Hope Story: Mrs. Rosemarie and Dr. Maynard Ewton Jr.
- A Conversation with Jenny McGlothlin MS’01, CCC-SLP, CLC
- A Conversation with Monica Trevino AuD’21
- A Conversation with Yune S. Lee, PhD
- 2021 Callier Cares Luncheon
- Callier Center Mourns Loss of Longtime Supporter Dr. Kenneth Altshuler
- Is Sequence Learning Key to Language Development? Callier Team Receives $3 Million NIH Grant for New Study
- Study: Waterproof Phone Cases Not Sound-Problem Proof
- A Passing: Dr. Ken Altshuler
- Researchers Develop Smart Apps to Help People with Hearing Loss
- 2020 Callier Impact Report
- Dr. Thomas Campbell Led Callier Through an Era of Expansion
- Jean Ann Brock’s Gift Helps Launch the Social Communication Mentoring Program
- Karen Toliver Establishes the Allen Rupert Fellowship for Audiology
- Thomeir Evans Receives Hearing Aids at 3 Months Old with Oberkotter Foundation’s Help
- Joyce and Larry Lacerte Establish Pediatric Patient Care Endowment
- Researchers to Study How Fathers Influence Children’s Language Development
- BBS Revises Academic Areas, Bolsters Faculty Roster
- Alumna Named New Executive Director of the Callier Center
- Dr. Thomas Campbell, Longtime Callier Center Executive Director, Set To Retire
- 2020 Callier Cares Luncheon
- Telehealth Adds Needed Touch to Callier Center’s Care, Clinical Training
- Crystal Charity Ball Grant to Callier Gives Nonverbal Children a Voice
- Graduate Programs Ranked Among Best in Country by U.S. News & World Report
- Meet Laila
- New Callier Center Test Catches Cause of Balance Issues
- 2019 Callier Impact Report
- Hope Story: Stefanie and Aaron Conley
- Research Story: Dr. Edward Lobarinas
- Training Story: Elena Keltner
- Meet Isabella
- Giving Story: Northwood Woman’s Club
- Hope Story: Crystal Charity Ball
- Dr. Jun Wang, Callier Center researcher
- David Tolstyka, audiology graduate student
- Addy DeWolfe
- Giving Story: The Meadows Foundation and Ruth and Ken Altshuler
- Robots4Autism
- 2018 Callier Annual Report
- Meet Bernadette
- Meet Morgan
- 2019 Callier Cares Luncheon
- 2013 Callier Cares Luncheon
- 2014 Callier Cares Luncheon
- 2015 Callier Cares Luncheon
- 2016 Callier Cares Luncheon
- 2017 Callier Cares Luncheon
- 2018 Callier Cares Luncheon
- Meet Malcolm
- Meet Davion
- Meet Howard
- Meet the Durrant Brothers
- Meet Bev
- Meet Brock
- Meet Cole
- Meet Ashish
- Meet Amy
- Meet Graycie
- Meet Kourtnei
- Meet Jack
- Meet Jackson
- 2012 Callier Cares Luncheon
- Dr. Christine Dollaghan lead author
- Dr. Noah Sasson lead author of an article
- Dr. William Katz lead author in study
- Dr. Mandy Maguire contributes to the journal Brain and Cognition
- Dr. Christine Dollaghan contributes to two articles
- Article Contribution to the Journal Child Development
- Journal of Child Language
- Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research 2
- Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research
- Journal of the Acoustical Society of America